Thank you for your interest in our research!

Insight Consulting Group, an independent healthcare research firm, is conducting paid, in-home research interviews regarding Lung Cancer Patients and Treatment Options. 

We're hoping to connect with Lung Cancer Patients with their Caregivers/Support Partners to discuss your experiences treating and managing your condition.

Interview in the comfort of your home, beginning in early January, 2019:
ICG will be conducting in-home interviews with Lung Cancer Patients beginning in early 2019, and we're scheduling interviews now! If you qualify, this study will involve a professionally trained researcher traveling to your home to conduct an in-depth research interview. 
  • Format: 2 Hour In-Home Research Interview
  • Honoraria: $500 (total)

In-Home Interviews will begin in early January, 2019.
We're scheduling interviews now!

Our Process:
  • A professionally trained member of our research team will travel to your home to conduct a 2-hour research interview with you and your caregiver/support partner, if you have one and they agree to participate.
  • Completion of a short pre-interview activity (e.g., treatment journaling or collaging).
  • Participation in a creative engagement activity during your 2-hour interview.
  • Your interview will be audio/video recorded for internal review and note-taking purposes; we will not divulge any names or other identifying information to our end client.
  • You can expect up to 3 people from the Insight Consulting Group team to be in attendance.
  • You will receive an honorarium check for $500 via USPS within 6 - 8 weeks of completing your interview.
Adverse Events (AE) Reporting:
Different patients or people sometimes respond in different ways to the same medicine (or healthcare product), and some side effects or unfavorable reactions may not be discovered until many people have used a medicine (or healthcare product) over a period of time. For this reason, we are now required to pass on to our client, who is a pharmaceutical company, details of any side effects, unfavorable reactions, or any Product Quality Complaints related to their own products that are mentioned during the course of market research. Although what you say will, of course, be treated in confidence, should you mention during the discussion a side effect or unfavorable reaction when you, or someone you know, became ill after taking one of our client’s medicines or healthcare products, or a problem you have had with one of our client’s medicines or healthcare products we will need to report this, so that they can learn more about the safety of their medicines or healthcare products. Information on side effects, unfavorable reactions, or Product Quality Complaints provided by you may be shared with regulatory agencies, the sponsoring company's subsidiaries worldwide, and business partners with whom the sponsoring company has contractual agreements. Any information that identifies the patient directly, such as the patient's initials or date of birth, will be handled confidentially.

Confidentiality Agreement:
If qualified to participate, you agree to keep in confidence for a period of three (3) years, any confidential information disclosed to you during this discussion and research study. “Confidential Information” includes, but is not limited to, information about the Client or the subject of the research that is either proprietary in nature or is not known to the general public.

Continue below if you agree to these terms.