Nuclear Truth Project 3MSP Community Hubs
Thank you for participating. We are excited to collaborate with our community to finalize plans for the Nuclear Truth Project 3MSP Community Hubs. These off-site hubs will offer a chance for people to present panels, lead discussions, and spend informal time together to recharge, rest and refresh/eat outside of the UN building.
The hubs will be open from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm on Monday (March 3) and Wednesday (March 5) at the Church Center for the United Nations, at 777 UN Plaza, across from the United Nations. Breakfast and lunch items will be available both days.
We plan to offer a mix of structured and unstructured time in these spaces, with four time slots set aside for community-led sessions, which encourage collaboration or regional perspectives. These community hubs outside of the UN create a space for deeper collaboration, and your voice is particularly important to us. Thank you.