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Thank you for your willingness to participate in the CACFP Roundtable's 2022 Membership Survey. The information gathered will be used by the Board of Directors for strategic planning and will help us to better meet the needs of various segments of the Roundtable's members. Unless you provide personal information, your answers will remain anonymous.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been a member of the CACFP Roundtable?

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* 2. Rate your overall satisfaction with your CACFP Roundtable Membership.

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* 3. How do you view your membership dues?

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* 4. How do you engage with the Nutrition Edition?

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* 5. What resources are most important to you as a CACFP Roundtable member?

  Least Important 2 3 4 Most Important
Discount to Annual CACFP Conference
Member Meetings
Anonymous access to state agency 
Access to CACFP program information
Access to advocacy/policy information
Access to CACFP colleagues and communtiy
Education and training opportunities
Leadership opportunities 
Advocacy conducted by CACFP Roundtable
Opportunities to participate in advocacy

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* 6. Please select what you believe are barriers to your peers joining the CACFP Roundtable (check all that apply).

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* 7. How do you feel about the direction of the CACFP Roundtable over the past two year?

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* 8. Please describe the value of being a CACFP Roundtable Member.

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* 9. What more could the CACFP Roundtable be doing to help the CACFP community?

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* 10. What more could the CACFP Roundtable be doing to help YOU?

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* 11. Is there anything CACFP Roundtable should STOP doing?

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* 12. Anything else you would like to share about CACFP Roundtable membership?

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* 13. What type(s) of CACFP Programs do you operate? Please check all that apply.

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* 14. Contact Information (not required)

Would you be interested in volunteering for the CACFP Roundtable? We want to hear from you. Click here to give us your information. (This will not be identified with your survey answers and your survey responses will remain anonymous.)