Applicant(s) and project/program representatives will join the planning and implementation of All In strategy.

If there is more than one applicant, please list alternate applicant and contact information in the notes section below.

Dean, department head or adviser acknowledgement form must be signed and attached. The form can be downloaded here. Your application must include the completed acknowledgement form to be accepted.

Applications are due November 1, 2019.

Question Title

* 1. Full name, email and phone number of applicant

College and department information

Question Title

* 2. College, department and major
Include major if a student

Question Title

* 3. Name, email and phone number of Dean, department head or adviser

Question Title

* 4. Please upload the Dean, department head or adviser acknowledgement form, which can be found here. Your application must include the completed acknowledgement form to be accepted.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File
Fundable idea description

Question Title

* 5. Name of project or program

Question Title

* 6. Who does the project serve? How many K-Staters will benefit and how?

Question Title

* 7. Describe the project/program goals and scope.

Question Title

* 8. Describe the project/program structure and strategy.

Question Title

* 9. Please include a timeline of planned work, activities, etc.

Question Title

* 10. Why is this project important to K-State and/or K-Staters?

Question Title

* 11. Are you applying to create something new or to sustain/improve an existing program? Please explain.

Question Title

* 12. List your partners/collaborators.

Question Title

* 13. What are your anticipated project results and how is success defined for this project?
Results must be realistic and measurable.

Question Title

* 14. If chosen, what fund (name and number) will receive the giving day revenue? Please describe what the anticipated use of this fund would be at 30, 60 and 90 days.


Question Title

* 15. If selected, how would you utilize social media and other marketing outlets available to you for promotion of this giving opportunity?


Question Title

* 16. Use this space to add co-applicants and their contact information and any relevant supporting information that has not been addressed in the application.


Question Title

* 17. Budget proposal

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File