Phase 1 Reopening Survey

1.Which YMCA branch(es) have you visited since our reopening?(Required.)
2.We want to make sure you and your family are safe while at the YMCA. Please rate how safe you feel below (Tell us how we could improve in the comment section at the end of this survey).
3.Please rank how we are doing in the following areas:
Needs Improvement
Below Average
Above Average
Social Distancing
Staff Helpfulness
4.As a member, please rank how knowledgeable you feel in the following new YMCA guidelines. (Please tell us how we can improve in any of these areas in the comments at the end of the survey):(Required.)
Unsure of Guidelines
Below Average Confidence
Average Confidence
Above Average Confidence
Very Confident
Building entrance and exit guidelines
Personal Protective Equipment guidelines
Finding Information or facility updates
Equipment Usage guidelines
Cleaning guidelines
5.As we move to Phase 2 of our reopening, please tell us which areas of the YMCA are most important to you and your family for reopening:
6.Our temporary weekday hours are Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. What extended hours would fit your needs?
7.If you are 65 or older, would you feel more comfortable attending the YMCA if there were set hours just for you? For example, active older adult facility hours from 9 to 11 am daily.
8.If you are 65 or older, would you feel more comfortable attending the YMCA if a dedicated exercise or social space were provided for you?
9.If you are an avid group exercise member, how do you see yourself participating in group exercise in the future?
10.What programs are you and your family most interested in the YMCA offering in the near future?
11.Please take a moment and share additional feedback about your reopening experience in the box below.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered