
Thanks for clicking through to view our Special Event Bell Tent Village Booking form to see how it could all work for your event... (please note any data you are asked to enter will not be used or published in any way...)

How this booking process works:

- There are 5 sections coming up in this booking process ( a total of 10 quick questions )

- Once you have completed the details on the following pages to select the type of Bell tent you would like to stay in we will invoice you to your email address by Paypal

- Once we have received payment from you we will send you a booking payment receipt confirming details of your booking and any additional booking conditions.

Please note, we are limited with the number of Bell tents that are available and tents are available on a first come, first serve basis and cannot be held or reserved without payment in full.

In the meantime should you have any questions at all please contact us directly either on: 07977 129 035 or by email at: info@madeinenglandbyhelenfryer.co.uk.

Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you. Please click on "Next" to continue.

Kindest regards

Helen Fryer