Which date suits you and your school?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the HPE State Conference due to be held 13 & 14 August has been postponed.

 ACHPER QLD is committed to running the conference in 2020 with modifications that consider:
- Government restrictions on crowd numbers
- Physical distancing requirements
- Availability of venues later in the year
Planning for the State Conference takes at least 10 weeks from Call for Presentations to the opening session. School holidays add further time to this schedule. As a result, the HPE State Conference will be held in Term 4. The streams (Secondary Health, Secondary PE and Primary PE) will be split over 3 days with capacity for 80 delegates each day. (This number may increase as further restrictions are eased).

As running a State Conference in Term 4 is new territory for us we need your feedback about the best dates for you and your school. Below is a quick one minute survey that will help us to plan for an event that suits the most amount of people.

Thank you for your time today. We look forward to seeing you face to face in Term 4.

Question Title

* 1. Which stream best describes your area of education?

Question Title

* 2. What week would suit you and your school best to attend the State HPE Conference in Term 4? Please state your first, second and third preference by highlighting a 1, 2 and 3 next to your preferred dates.