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Organizational Information

The CareerSTAT Immigrant Healthcare Worker Learning Lab (Learning Lab) presents an opportunity for healthcare organizations to receive technical assistance to implement and sustain business practices and policies that improve recruitment and retention of  immigrant and refugee frontline workers, as well as invest in their skills and career advancement.

Supported by WES Mariam Assefa Fund and the MetLife Foundation.

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* 1. Please provide the following information.

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* 2. Which best describes your organization type?

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* 3. Please provide a brief description of your organization (such as service area, number of employees, communities served, and types of services). Please include an estimate of the number of frontline employees defined as individuals  in jobs that require an Associate's Degree or less.

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* 4. How many full-time equivalents (FTE) does your organization have devoted to frontline workforce development?

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* 5. What percentage of your current workforce programming is funded through operating funds (as opposed to grant funds or other external streams)?

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* 6. Approximately what percentage of your workforce are immigrants and/or refugees?

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* 7. Approximately what percentage of your patient population are immigrants or refugees?

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i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.
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