AFA Partners in Care Certification Examination |
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) hopes you found the "AFA Partners in Care: Supporting Individuals Living with Dementia" training program to be informative and engaging.
The "AFA Partners in Care" certification examination will assess your mastery of concepts and skills presented during the workshop, encouraging you to integrate information and think critically. Successful completion (80% or better / 22 out of 28) of this exam will enable you to achieve distinction as an Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Certified Dementia Care Partner, and 6 CE credits for licensed social workers, certified case managers, and any other profession accepting social work CE credits.
The "AFA Partners in Care" certification examination will assess your mastery of concepts and skills presented during the workshop, encouraging you to integrate information and think critically. Successful completion (80% or better / 22 out of 28) of this exam will enable you to achieve distinction as an Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Certified Dementia Care Partner, and 6 CE credits for licensed social workers, certified case managers, and any other profession accepting social work CE credits.