2016 Reader Survey Tell me about you! Question Title * 1. How many years have you enjoyed on this planet thus far? Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 2. Are you... Female Male Question Title * 3. Spice Girls or Britney Spears? Spice Girls! Britney! Are all the questions in this survey going to be this stupid? This is a sad attempt at humor. Please stop. Question Title * 4. What best describes your travel budget? On a shoestring (I stay in hostels and couchsurf, hitchhike or take local transit, cook for myself, etc) Frugal but still having fun (I stay in budget hotels or private rooms in hostels and take tours occasionally) Splurging sensibly (I stay in mid-range hotels and splurge on my priorities) First class and fabulous (I stay in high-end hotels, take private tours, and drink copious amounts of champagne) Question Title * 5. When you travel, how long are your trips, typically? Weekend getaways 1 week 2 weeks 3-4 weeks 1-2 months 2-6 months 6+ months I'm a nomad and travel constantly How often do you take them? Question Title * 6. What is the number one factor that keeps you from traveling more? Inability to take time off from work or school Lack of funds Health Obligations and responsibilities (kids, pets, caring for family members) Nervous and not sure how I travel enough, I don't want to travel more Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to travel? Question Title * 8. Which destinations are on your travel radar? (Check all that apply.) North America The Caribbean Central America South America United Kingdom Europe Africa Australia/New Zealand South East Asia Other Asia Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Are you interested in reading about US travel? (Traditionally, traffic on my domestic travel blog posts and social media posts is lower than their international travel counterparts.) Yes, I'm from the US -- and domestic travel interests me. No, I'm from the US -- and I'm interested in more exotic destinatons. Yes, I'm not from the US -- and so to me it is exotic! No, I'm not from the US -- and have little interest in traveling there. Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Do you keep a blog? Yes, and it's travel related Yes, but it's not travel related No Question Title * 11. How important is sustainability to you in your travels? Very -- Eco is my middle name! Sorta -- I try to travel green. Not really -- I have other priorities. Question Title * 12. Are you a scuba diver? Yes No, but I still like to read your diving related posts. No, and I skip your diving related posts as they are not relevant to me. Question Title * 13. If yes, to what certification level? Open Water or equivalent Advanced Open Water or equivalent Rescue Diver or equivalent Divemaster or equivalent Instructor or equivalent With what certification agency? Next