The City is working on moving all applications and payments online for customers by the end of 2018. The next step is to make all circulation files digital. The biggest volume of plans (Stream 3) should be online in the next few months. Stream 4 files will be put online last as they're more complex. 

The City is looking for feedback on how it can help communities with reviewing files online and sharing digital files with residents. 

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* 1. What are your thoughts on moving away from physical circulations to digital?

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* 2. What technology do you have access to for reviewing digital circulations?

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* 3. What technology would make it easier for you to review digital circulations?

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* 4. How can the City make it easier for your planning committee to review digital plans?

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* 5. How do you share circulations with your community?

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* 6. How can the City make it easier for you to share digital circulations with your community?