Welcome to your CTB principal survey. Provide one best answer for each question.

Question Title

* 1.

Please rate the overall quality of the CTB program.

Question Title

* 2.

Please rate the overall quality of the CTB staff.

Question Title

* 3.

Please rate the overall impact of the CTB program on your teachers.

Question Title

* 4.

Please rate the overall impact of the CTB program on your school community.

Question Title

* 5.

To what degree did the CTB program fulfill your expectations of serving your students with a quality arts program?

Question Title

* 6.

How well does CTB model excellence to your staff and students?

Question Title

* 7.

How much would you like to see CTB return to your school?

Question Title

* 8.

How would you rate the overall communication of CTB with your school?

Question Title

* 9.

Please rate the overall impact of CTB on your students.

Question Title

* 10.

Does CTB play an important role in your students' well rounded education?