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Workforce Survey

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact businesses throughout the world. The NWA Human Resources Association (NOARK) is running a research study to measure workplace trends emerging as a result of the pandemic - right here in NWA. There are no right or wrong answers for the questions displayed below. All responses are anonymous. Data collected from this survey will be made available to members of NOARK and the greater NWA community. The survey will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your answers are very valuable to us and we appreciate your time, openness, and sincerity.

Question Title

* 2. What do you need most during this pandemic time? Please rank. (1 - most important, 6 - least important)

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* 3. Which are the 3 most important qualities a leader should have during crisis times?

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* 7. What is your company's current position on hiring? Choose all that apply

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* 8. What do you think the job seekers appreciate most in current times? Please rank from 1 = most important to 9 = least important

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* 9. If you were looking for a job right now, what would concern you most? Rank from 1 = highest to 5 = lowest

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* 10. How much work from home does your company provide for office employees?

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* 11. If your organization is operating on a work-from-home basis now, how long do you anticipate work-from-home to continue?

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* 12. What has your organization done to help prevent the spread of contagions in your workplace as a result of concerns raised by the communicability of COVID-19?

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* 13. Which communication channel are you using most to communicate professionally during this pandemic? Please rank where 1 = used most, 6 = used least

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* 14. Does your company require video calls with camera on?

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* 15. If you have employees working from home, how would you describe the impact on productivity?

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* 16. How do you expect hiring to evolve in the following 6-12 months?

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* 17. Please select the top 3 most important qualities an employer should have during these hard times (select 3)

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* 18. Please indicate your current industry

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* 19. What is the size of your company’s workforce in Arkansas?

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* 20. What is the largest population by age range in your organization?

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* 21. Please indicate your current role in the organization

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* 22. Does your current role include HR or people management responsibilities?

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* 23. In addition to keeping up with work responsibilities during this pandemic, I am also responsible for:
Please check all that apply.

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* 24. In what age range do you fall?

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* 25. During the November NOARK meeting, the results of this survey will be shared. The topic for that meeting is an exploration of Millennial (age 23-39) expectations and behaviors in the workplace. A panel of Millennial HR professionals will take questions from a moderator and from the audience. Is there any question you might like to add here to be addressed to the November NOARK Millennial panel?

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