APSE MO Board Election Details

We extend an invitation to individuals who are interested in serving on the APSE MO board and who possess a strong commitment to advancing the mission and values of Employment First to complete the nomination form for consideration as a member of the APSE MO Board. For any inquiries or additional information, please reach out to us via email at moapse@apse.org.

Before completing the board nomination form, please review the following items to verify that you are able to satisfy the minimum requirements for board participation.

APSE MO Board Terms are a minimum of 2 years.

1. APSE chapters must hold elections for Chapter Governing Board Members on an annual basis.

2. All nominees for election to the Chapter Governing Board must be current APSE members or join before their name is placed on the ballot and if elected, must maintain that membership while serving on the board.

3. The APSE MO President will inform all nominees of the outcome of the election prior to officially announcing results to the membership. Newly elected board members will be announced at the Annual Employment Summit in July as well as via the APSE MO newsletter and social media within 30 days of the election.

4. APSE MO holds monthly board meetings either in person or virtually. Attendance to these meetings is mandatory. A Board Member who misses more than three meetings during the term may be asked to resign their position.

5. APSE MO Board Members should anticipate spending 10 hours per month on APSE MO related activities.

6. All APSE MO Board Members are required to sit on either the Communication Committee or the Professional Development Committee. Committees hold 1 meeting per month either virtually or in person at the board meeting. The duties of the committees are vital for the success of APSE MO therefore committee members must be able to complete the tasks that are assigned to them.

In person meetings are typically from 9:30a-3:30p and are held in Columbia, Kansas City or Springfield.
Virtual meetings are typically from 9:00a-11:00a and are held via Zoom.
An annual strategic planning meeting is held in person for 3 days in September/October.
Professional Development Day is held around March and the Summit is held in July.