Arts, Culture and Creative Sector Survey, Spring 2022

The Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network invites you to take this survey to help us strengthen our work to help YOU -- the arts, culture, and creative sector -- thrive in your mission-driven work or creative practices in your communities and across our region.  Your feedback will help us understand the challenges and opportunities facing artists, culture bearers, makers, designers, arts and cultural organizations, and creative entrepreneurs of all disciplines, in this stage of post-pandemic recovery and as we look forward to our future.  Your responses will be kept confidential and only reported in aggregate. Thank you!
This survey is based on a definition of “arts and culture” that includes the full spectrum of artists, makers, designers, arts and cultural organizations, creative entrepreneurs, and creative businesses in the 10-county region of Northwest Michigan.  This includes both nonprofit and for-profit endeavors in the following industries:  visual arts, music, theater, dance, performing arts, culture and heritage, literary/publishing/print, design, film/digital media, fashion/textile design, and creative technology.

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* 1. How do you define your arts and cultural affiliation (Please check all that apply)

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* 2. What is the primary discipline of your work or practice? (Please check no more than 3)

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* 3. If you are responding as an arts and cultural organization, what is your primary role? (Please check all that apply)

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* 4. If you are responding as an arts and cultural organization, what is your organization's annual budget size?

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* 5. Are you or your organization a member of the Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network

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* 6. What county or counties does your organization serve or is where your creative practice is located? (Please check all that apply)

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* 7. My primary zip code is:

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* 8. Do you operate or practice year-round or seasonally? (Check one)

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* 9. How long have you been located there?

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* 10. Are you familiar with the Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network and its work to help individuals and arts and cultural organizations of all disciplines thrive through advocacy, professional development, sharing resources, communications, connections and building community partnerships?

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* 11. What opportunities/challenges are you facing as an artist, creative/cultural practitioner or organzation at this stage of post-pandemic recovery? (Briefly describe or list.)

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* 12. What new, changed or experimental programs or practices have you or your organization developed during the pandemic that you see as smart opportunities ot continue for the future? (Briefly describe or list.)

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* 13. We know this has been a hard time for the arts, culture and creative sector. What programs and services would be most meaningful for you and/or your organization in the next 1-3 years? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 14. If you are responding as an organization : When it comes to funding needs, how important are the following types of financial support for you or your organization?  (1) not important 2) somewhat important 3) important 4) very important 5) most important)

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Most important N/A, I am responding as an individual artist, cultural or creative practitioner
General operating support
Arts, culture, creative projects/programs
Professional or organizational development
Diversity, equity, inclusion, justice training
Organizational capacity building
Strategic or business planning
Capital improvements

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* 15. If you are responding as an individual artist, cultural or creative practitioner : When it comes to funding needs, how important are the following types of financial support for you or your organization?  (1) not important 2) somewhat important 3) important 4) very important 5) most important)

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Most important N/A, I am responding for my organization
Individual support to pursue new projects 
Small grants for short, individually led community projects
Support to participate in a residency or sabbatical program
Professional  development
Diversity, equity, inclusion, justice training
Business planning
Support for or discounted access to studio, production or work space
Access to fiscal sponsorships so I can apply for grants.

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* 16. When you think about services, resources, professional development, or technical support, what will be most helpful for you or your organization in the next 1 to 3 years? (1) not at all helpful 2) somewhat helpful 3) helpful 4) very helpful 5) most helpful)

  Not at all helpful Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Most helpful
Skill development workshops (work of art training, board development, fundraising, leadership, digital delivery, marketing, advocacy, financial management, diversity/inclusion, etc.)
Information about opportunities (grants, calls for art, job openings, etc.)
Convening sessions for urgent topics or opportunities (virtual and in-person)
Consultations, mentoring, advisory, and planning services for professional development or capacity building
Regional promotion and coordinated events 
Access/referrals to professional services (grant writers, accounting, tech/web, data management, etc.)
Opportunities to promote my work and/or organization
Opportunities to network, connect, or meet with peers
Coordinated advocacy efforts and initiatives
Data collection and benchmark reports for case-making/program planning
Technology (training, tech planning, shared systems, internet accessibility, etc.)
Ability to connect or access resources virtually
Opportunities to leverage resources for cost sharing, access to discounts, shared services, etc. 
Opportunities to partner, collaborate or cross promote

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* 17. What facilities/space needs do you or your organization need to support and strengthen your creative practice and/or audience or community reach? (Choose in order of priority from 1 highest priority to 14 lowest priority.)

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* 18. The mission of the Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network is to harness the collective power of the creative sector to cultivate vibrant communities by strengthening the regional ecosystem that supports arts and culture.

This guiding statement resonates with me, and I feel connected to this mission.

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* 19. This guiding statement is easy for me to use in connecting others to and promoting the Network

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* 20. Do you think the Network mission and priorities are easily understood by community leaders, decision-makers, and the broader community? Does it motivate them to be engaged, commit support, and invest time and resources?

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* 21. The Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network is defining its strategic priorities and building capacity to deepen its work to equip and empower arts, culture, and creativity to grow and prosper as an essential force across the region.  What do you think should be the Network’s top three priorities?

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* 22. What three words would you use to describe your vision for the arts, culture, and creative community in the future (5 years+), if the Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network is strategic, well-resourced, collaborative, and wildly successful?

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* 23. Want to suggest new wording to describe the Network's core mission and work? Please share!

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* 24. What else would you like to share with us?

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* 25. Demographic Information (OPTIONAL)
The following questions are optional, but your responses will help us better understand community perspectives and interests. Your individual information will be held confidential and only reported in aggregate.

What is your age?

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* 26. What best describes how you identify, racially?

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* 27. How do you identify your gender? 

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* 28. What is your approximate annual household income?

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* 29. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 30. Thank you for sharing your time and perspectives with us!  Your input will be valuable in informing the Network’s priorities to nurture and support the arts, culture, and creative community to grow and prosper across Northwest Michigan.

For more information visit us at

If you would like to be added to the Network's E-News/data list, please share your contact information (this is separated from your anonymous survey answers)