FPAs are a new part of New Zealand’s employment law that are being proposed by the current Government.

Join us in our journey to set minimum standards of employment for everyone in the bus sector.

Fill out this form to support FIRST Union & Tramways Union to initiate for a Fair Pay agreement for the bus industry:  
1.What is your full name?(Required.)
2.Your occupation: e.g. urban driver, school driver, bus cleaner etc.(Required.)
3.Who is your employer? e.g: NZ Bus, Richies etc.
4.I am employed in the bus industry:
5.I support initiating bargaining for a fair pay agreement for my industry:(Required.)
7.Phone number:(Required.)
8.Email address:(Required.)
9.What is your ethnicity? (You can also add your iwi too, if you wish):
We will be in touch throughout this process, to keep you informed and get your input. 
Thank you for helping to make bus work fair.
Please note that this information will be shared with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).