Canberra Netball Association (CNA) Member Skills and Business Register (SBR)
Dear Member,
Canberra Netball Association (CNA) has a great netball community. We know as a member of CNA that you love netball, but what we don't know is more about you, your profession, contacts, and/or skills that you have that would benefit CNA and our netball community.
As you may be aware CNA is about to embark on a capital works project to redevelop our facilities at lyneham. This will include an important upgrade to ensure our facilities meet the needs of our netball community now and into the future.
We are reaching out to our members to seek information about who might be able to help us. We also continue to grow as an Association and would prefer to source expertise and services from within our netball community, but need to know who you are and what you do. Your information collected as part of this survey will only be used by CNA and will be stored on our skills and business register.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey for us.