Question Title Enter your Zio serial number Your serial number is a 10-digit alphanumeric code on the back of your Zio. Question Title How strongly do you disagree or agree with the following statements? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Zio was easy to use Zio was easy to use Strongly Disagree Zio was easy to use Disagree Zio was easy to use Neutral Zio was easy to use Agree Zio was easy to use Strongly Agree Zio was comfortable to wear Zio was comfortable to wear Strongly Disagree Zio was comfortable to wear Disagree Zio was comfortable to wear Neutral Zio was comfortable to wear Agree Zio was comfortable to wear Strongly Agree I was able to go about my normal activities wearing Zio I was able to go about my normal activities wearing Zio Strongly Disagree I was able to go about my normal activities wearing Zio Disagree I was able to go about my normal activities wearing Zio Neutral I was able to go about my normal activities wearing Zio Agree I was able to go about my normal activities wearing Zio Strongly Agree If I need a heart monitor in the future, I'd wear a Zio If I need a heart monitor in the future, I'd wear a Zio Strongly Disagree If I need a heart monitor in the future, I'd wear a Zio Disagree If I need a heart monitor in the future, I'd wear a Zio Neutral If I need a heart monitor in the future, I'd wear a Zio Agree If I need a heart monitor in the future, I'd wear a Zio Strongly Agree Question Title Had you ever worn a heart monitor before Zio? Yes No Next