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* 1. Which update are you most excited for?

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* 2. How do you feel about the current state of Revival

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* 3. Which of these is more most is the most impotant to you

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* 4. How do you spend your time on Revival?

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* 5. What boss do you think is the most "difficult"

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* 6. On a scale of '1 to 10' how hard would you say Revival is?

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. Which are you more likely to use

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* 8. How do you feel about Hardcore Ironman mode? This mode is normal ironman but with 1 restriction, you only have 1 life. The problem is, as a private server we cannot guarantee the game will be without Bugs/Disconnects.... its just gonna happen guys.. and i imagine the second it does people will quit and be left with a bad memory of revival. This could do more harm then good, so just in general what are you thoughts on the potential mode?

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* 9. What is that ONE little thing that you just hate about Revival. Whats your dream QoL update?

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* 10. Whats your all time favorite movie.. (PICK ONE BITCH)