July 2020

In order to provide safe distancing there is limited seating in our church and we are asking worshipers to preregister.  Please provide information about your worship attendance by July 1 for July and we will confirm via email, text message, or phone that you are registered and we can provide seating for your group.  Confirmation will be sent on Friday, July 3.  At this time there is no nursery for children.  Children may sit with their family group.

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* 1. Person or group requesting (group is defined as those you are living with, and/or have spent significant non-social distancing time with during the PAUSE, Please include everyone's first name and the contact person's first and last name).  *Required

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* 2. Which Sunday(s) are you requesting? Please check all that apply.

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* 3. The 10 a.m. Sunday morning service includes music (no congregational singing, only humming; prayer, scripture, message)  If we offered an alternate outdoor service with prayer, scripture, and message only please indicate which of the following you would attend.  No amplification at outdoor service.

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* 4. What is your role for the selected worship services?

  July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26
Attending worship
Music Team
Audio/Video support
Health monitor

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* 5. Please check this box if you and your group agree to the worship committee's safety measures *required

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* 6. I prefer to register for worship ...