1. Communications

We are interested in how you receive information from the Catholic Womens League New South Wales. We know that information may be shared differently in different locations. The following questions will help us to improve communications to Members.

Please return by Fri 17th February 2017 to 35 Pead St Wauchope NSW 2446 or complete online at www.cwla-nsw.com.au

Question Title

* 1. Who do you currently receive Catholic Womens League information from and how often? (please select any that apply and provide an answer for each row)

  None Weekly Monthly Quarterly 6 monthly Annually
State (NSW)
Your Diocese
Your local Branch

Question Title

* 2. How do you currently receive Catholic Womens League information? (please select any that apply and provide an answer for each row)

  At local Meetings In the Post By Email Hand Delivered None
State (NSW)
Your Diocese
Your local Branch

Question Title

* 3. Is there other information you would like to receive?

  Yes No
Is the information you are currently receiving relevant to you?
Is there other information you would like to receive?