We need your input on the 2020 Budget!

We are in the process of building the 2020 Budget and you can help. We want to make sure we are allocating YOUR tax dollars to the services YOU care about the most. 
Below is an overview of the all the municipal services the Town provides to our community. You will also see the monthly municipal tax breakdown of how much you pay through your tax dollars for each service offered, which is based on the average assessed home in Newmarket at $618,750 in 2019.

Rank the municipal services in order of importance to you by assigning a number from 1 to 8 for each service. 1 being the most important and 8 being the least important.

If you want to rank all municipal services equally because they are all equally important to you, please scroll to the last option and only select "Satisfied with all services equally." You will have an opportunity to provide any additional comments about the 2020 budget process at the end of the budget game. 

At the end of the budget game, please enter your information at the bottom of the survey for a chance to win $100 Budget Bucks that can be used towards any Recreation and Culture program.  

Question Title

Rank the municipal services in order of importance to you by assigning a number from 1 to 8 for each service. 1 being the most important and 8 being the least important.

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I am satisfied with all services equally!

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Please provide us with any additional comments you would like to make on the 2020 Budget. Your comments are valuable.

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Thank you for your input.

(Optional) Enter for your chance to win $100 "Newmarket Bucks" which can be put towards any Town program or fee. A winner will be randomly selected and contacted by the Town in December.

Please note this information will be used for the purposes of the draw only.

Question Title

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