Nomination Application

Thank you for your interest in serving on the AFCPE Board of Directors, starting January 2023. 
We currently have open positions for:
  • Financial Industry: professionals who work in the financial services sector (examples: bank, credit union, insurance, or tax)
  • Service: professionals who work in non-financial service industry (examples: nonprofit/community based organization, social work, marriage and family therapy, Employee Assistance Professional (EAP), healthcare, Human Resources
We are seeking applicants who have:
  • Demonstrated leadership commitment and involvement with AFCPE.
    • Example includes, but is not limited to, service on a task force/committee.
  • Relevant experience in organizational management.
  • Time to commit and participate: at minimum 2 face-to-face and 2-3 conference call Board meetings each year. In addition to meetings, Board members will provide an average of 10 hours of work between meetings for various Task Force initiatives and meeting preparation. Board members will serve as liaisons to specific task forces, as assigned by the President, which will require supervision of Chairpersons and providing quarterly reports/updates to the Board.
  • Positive leadership attributes, emotional intelligence, ability to work collaboratively and engage in appropriate debate and discussion when needed, and visionary and strategic drive.
  • Demonstrated a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion for Board, Staff, and organization.
  • A career focus within the field of financial counseling or education.
  • Demonstrated an ability to develop new and innovative programs within their sphere of influence. Examples include but are not limited to incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk taking and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Preferable, but not required:
  • Have obtained the AFC® credential.
  • Expertise in marketing, development, and fundraising.
AFCPE Strategic Goals:
  • The AFC® is a nationally recognized designation and the gold standard in certification
  • The AFC® is a household name, with increased consumer awareness and access to AFC® professionals 
  • Career development support available and accessible for emerging and transitioning professionals
  • AFCPE is nationally recognized as the expert in personal finance research and for its library of resources accessible to AFCPE Members and Certified Professionals
AFCPE Strategic Pillars
  • Applied Research
  • Career Development
  • Innovation & Technology
  • Brand Marketing
  • Accessibility & Equity
Board Service terms are 3 years.

Interested applicants should complete this form by June 3, 2022.

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* 1. Application Information

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* 2. Are you currently a member of AFCPE?

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* 3. Please indicate the constituency that you represent:

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* 4. Please indicate what AFCPE Certifications you hold in good standing:

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* 5. Please list any other professional certifications you may hold (examples: FFC, CFP, ChFC, CPA, etc.):

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* 6. Please describe your academic and/or experience qualifications in this field:

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* 7. Please summarize your experience and participation with AFCPE (Task Force/Committee work, membership history, certification experience, etc.):

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* 8. Please indicate any recent and relevant experience with other organizations in the field (FPA, FTA, ACCI, etc.), including your length of service and role:

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* 9. Please indicate your commitment level to diversity, equity, and inclusion:

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* 10. Please provide specific examples of when you have demonstrated leadership or commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in your work:

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* 11. How knowledgeable do you feel about trends within your constituency (service or financial industry)?

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* 12. Please provide specific examples of demonstrated experience with trends in your constituency:

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* 13. How knowledgeable do you feel about trends for the personal finance industry at large?

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* 14. Please provide specific examples of demonstrated experience with personal finance industry trends:

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* 15. Please indicate any additional areas of expertise that you would bring to the Board:

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* 16. What is your greatest attribute that you will bring to the Board?

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* 17. Please indicate your motivation and goals for serving on the AFCPE Board of Directors:

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* 18. Board Members are required to attend a minimum of quarterly meetings, and communicate effectively. Since the pandemic, meetings have all been held virtually over Zoom, but we are expecting to return to occasional in person meetings in 2023.

Board members are required to pay for travel/hotel and symposium registration for the November Board meeting (AFCPE provides a 50% discount code to the symposium, food and one hotel night when in person).

Please indicate if you have any concerns regarding cost or personal/professional schedule which might affect participation in AFCPE Board activities:

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* 19. Will your employer allow you time to participate in quarterly meetings, and if/when possible travel for up to two in person meetings each year?

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* 20. The AFCPE Board of Directors is geographically separated. How comfortable are you using electronic/technological resources to meet and/or coordinate necessary reviews and actions?

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* 21. Please indicate any conflicts of interests you may have in serving on the Board:

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* 22. Please upload current resume or CV:

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