OEF Partner Assessment Survey

1.Your Name
2.Your email
3.Name of organisation
4.Is your organisation incorporated as a company
5.What is your role in this organisation?
6.What are the annual expenditures of your organisation?
7.For how many years has your organisation been in existence?
8.My organisation has a documented theory of change
9.My organisation has written a 3-5 year strategic plan
10.My organisation has written a one year business plan
11.My organisation has a written budget for the next year
12.My organisation has signed a Partnership Agreement with OEF in the last year
13.My organisation has renewed its OEF membership in the last year
14.My organisation has a functioning Board of Directors
15.The Board of DIrectors meets at least quarterly
16.The Board has enough skills and experience to guide my organisation
17.My organisation has a documented program and a written curriculum for that program
18.My organisation regularly monitors and evaluates its programs, in order to improve them
19.My organisation has written policies and procedures to guide its operation
20.My organisation has a paid executive director to execute its mission
21.My organisation has sufficient staff to execute its mission
22.My oganisation has sufficient volunteers to execute its mission
23.My organisation has a marketing plan for the next year
24.My organisation has a plan for social media engagement
25.My organisation has an up-to-date website
26.My organisation has forward funded its operational costs for the next year