Welcome to the 2017-2018 PUC ASES Parent Survey!

Dear PUC Parents,
The mission of the PUC Expanded Day Program (ASES) is “to use all after school programs and activities as means to close the achievement gap and enrich student lives.”  We are committed to excellence in the afterschool program. We strive to continuously improve our craft.  We utilize the Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle as a tool to accomplish this goal.  Assessing our program is the first step in the Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle.  Once we gather the assessment data from this survey we will plan accordingly for the 208-2019 school year.
We respectfully request your time and ask that you complete the 2017-2018 Parent ASES Survey to assist us in knowing how well you feel you and your child were served this school year and what areas you feel that we could improve upon. 

The survey responses are gathered anonymously.  If you would like to offer any additional feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me at 818-492-2317.

Thank you in advance.


Gerard Montero, Compliance Director and ASES Program Director