My name is Deborah Helt and I am a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and the owner of Light Gets In Therapy Center. I moved to Winterset two years ago and just opened a therapy office at 123 W Jefferson in Winterset (within the space now occupied by the Madison County Music Co.)

As we expand, we are hoping to invite talented practitioners to provide services to Winterset residents and would love to know more about what folks would be interested in. 

Please complete the following short survey and let us know what you would like to see offered in Winterset! 

note- I know some of these services already exist. Our goal is not to replace or compete with talented local practitioners, but to figure out where the gaps in service and interest are and fill them together. :)

Thank you in advance for your responses! We appreciate you and look forward to hearing your input.

Question Title

* 1. If more services were locally available and affordable, which of the following might you be interested in?

Are there any from this list that are of interest to you- either for yourself or your friends and family? 

Question Title

* 2. If you were use one of the wellness services listed above, what factors are most important in choosing a provider? Please choose your top 3

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* 3. Are there any specific local needs related to therapy and/or wellness services that would like us to be aware of? Feel free to offer suggestions or examples.

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything new you would be interested in trying if it were accessible and affordable?