VCHIP Webinar Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for attending our VCHIP Webinar! Please take a moment to complete a quick survey to let us know how we did! The survey results will be reported to the Vermont Department of Health and VCHIP.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the overall quality of the webinar series content ( Tranexamic acid for Postpartum Hemorrhage, Women's Health Initiative - Blueprint for Health).

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* 2. Your knowledge level increased because of this webinar.

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* 3. Based on your experience with these webinars, would you recommend future web trainings to your colleagues?

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* 4. I would like the OB/VDH VCHIP Team to continue with the webinars for Fiscal Year 2019.

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* 5. For reporting purposes, were there additional people watching the webinar with you? If so, how many?

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* 6. Any additional comments and/or suggestions for topics for future webinars.

Thank you for your feedback!
Please visit our website, to view the recording, handouts, and to register for future webinars.
Take our Improving Prenatal Care in Vermont Practice Toolkit (IPCV)! We would like your input as we work to revise it!