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We want your opinion!

To help us ensure we are delivering high quality services, please complete the following survey. All answers will be kept confidential. We appreciate your help in enabling us to grow and improve as an agency! 

Question Title

* 1. I have ____________ with the management team and support staff at IMLKS

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* 2. I am__________ about the services IMLKS provides.

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* 3. I would recommend IMLKS’ services to friends and family members.

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* 4. As a family member I am included in important decisions.

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* 5. The agency values its relationship it has with my family member receiving services.

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* 6. I am aware that I may be included in the interviewing process of new staff for my family member if I so choose.

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* 7. When I reach out to the Service Coordinator, I receive a response in a timely manner (within office hours).  

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* 8. IMLKS treats my family member with respect.

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* 9. IMLKS treats me with respect.

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* 10. The facilities are accessible for myself and my family member

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* 11. The support staff working for IMLKS are competent and are trained appropriately to perform their job tasks.

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* 12. I know who to contact with any concerns or complaints regarding the services provided by IMLKS.

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* 13. I am kept informed about decisions and information involving my family member

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* 14. I feel my concerns are handled appropriately and in a timely manner

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* 15. I would recommend It's My Life Kamloops Society to other families

Yes, without hesitation
Yes, with reservation

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* 16. The agency respects and supports my family member to live by their cultural, ethnical and religious backgrounds.

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* 17. Do you have any additional comments or feedback for IMLKS?

0 of 17 answered