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17% of survey complete.
If the NDIS is to be really helpful in people’s lives, it needs to be shaped in line with what people living with disability need to live a rich and meaningful life.

Currently, much of the NDIS development is focused on how service providers make the move to the NDIS.  This creates a risk that the NDIS market will reflect what providers need, not what people and their families need.

Counting What Counts is a series of surveys to find out more about what people living with disability, their families and supporters, want.  JFA Purple Orange will publish the survey results, so people can use them to make sure the NDIS is implemented well.

This first survey looks at what people and families want from the paid workers in their lives.  There is a lot of talk about how the disability workforce needs to grow, but much less talk about what people and families want from that workforce.

So this survey wants to know what people think a great support worker is.

We care about your privacy, and no part of your answers will be used in a way that identifies you. 

Click next to start the survey