Compensated in-person Research in Austin about fragrances Pre-screener to be considered Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name City/Town State/Province Country Linkedin or Social Media Link Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. What is your age group? Less than 18 18-24 25-29 30-39 40-50 51-59 60+ Question Title * 3. What is your Ethnicity? White / Caucasian Asian American Black / African American Latino / Hispanic American Indian/Native American Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. To which gender identity do you most identify? Female Male Other Prefer not to Answer Question Title * 5. What is your annual household income? Question Title * 6. Are you currently in good general health? Yes No Question Title * 7. Are you pregnant or nursing? Yes No Question Title * 8. Which products have you purchased in the past 12 months? Makeup Facial Skincare Bath & Body Fragrance Hair Care Hair Styling Products None of the above Question Title * 9. Are you a regular user (at least 2x per week) of the following? Makeup Facial Skincare Bath & Body Fragrance Hair Care Hair Styling Products None of the above Question Title * 10. Which of the following perfume brands are you aware of? Jo Malone Chanel Maison Margiela Dolce & Gabbanna Marc Jacobs St Laurent Estee Lauder Dior Frederic Malle Lancôme Le Labo Clinique Gucci Carolina Herrara Byredo Versace Ralph Lauren Atelier Cologne Viktor & Rolf Kilian None of the above Question Title * 11. Which of the following perfume brands have you personally used in the last 3 months? Jo Malone Chanel Maison Margiela Dolce & Gabbanna Marc Jacobs St Laurent Estee Lauder Dior Frederic Malle Lancôme Le Labo Clinique Gucci Carolina Herrera Byredo Versace Ralph Lauren Atelier Cologne Viktor & Rolf Kilian None of the above Question Title * 12. Which of the following brands would you never consider using or buying for yourself? Jo Malone Chanel Maison Margiela Dolce & Gabbanna Marc Jacobs St Laurent Estee Lauder Dior Frederic Malle Lancôme Le Labo Clinique Gucci Carolina Herrera Byredo Versace Ralph Lauren Atelier Cologne Viktor & Rolf Kilian None of the above Question Title * 13. Do you tend to use a signature fragrance? Yes No Question Title * 14. If you tend to use a signature fragrance, please write what brand you use. If it does not apply, please write NA Question Title * 15. What types of fragrance do you tend to wear? (select all that apply) Fresh Floral Fruity Woodsy/Musk Spicy Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. Do you like to vary your fragrances based on mood? Yes No Question Title * 17. Do you change your fragrance based on seasons? Yes No Question Title * 18. Do you change your fragrance based on occasion? Yes No Question Title * 19. In general, do you tend to reapply fragrance throughout the day, or just apply 1x? 1x per day Tend to reapply None of the above Question Title * 20. When purchasing a fragrance for yourself, which best describes how you trial (whether in store or a sample at home) and purchase fragrances? I need to try the fragrance before buying I would prefer to try the fragrance before buying, but am not opposed to purchasing without trying I typically purchase fragrances without trying them first Question Title * 21. Do you typically wear glasses when reading or looking at a computer? Yes No Next