Participant information.

Perception and Implementation of the Activate GAA Injury Prevention Warm-up Among Ulster GAA Coaching Staff

You are being invited to take part in a survey. Before you decide whether or not to take part, it is important that you understand what the research is for and what you will be asked to do. Please read the following information and do not hesitate to ask any questions about anything that might not be clear to you. Make sure that you are happy before you decide what to do. Thank you for taking the time to consider this invitation.

What is The Purpose of the Survey?
This survey is being carried out by the Sports Institute Northern Ireland (SINI) in partnership with Ulster GAA and is designed to improve our understanding of how the Activate GAA warm-up has influenced knowledge and practice of injury prevention warm-ups among GAA coaches in Ulster.

Why am I Being Asked to Take Part?
As someone who is involved in coaching GAA in Ulster you are being asked to complete this survey. The invitation to complete this survey is extended to anyone involved in GAA coaching in Ulster.

Do I Have To Take Part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part, please read the following information. If you choose to take part, you can change your mind at any time and withdraw from the study without giving a reason.

What will happen if I take part?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete the following survey. The survey will take approximately 5-6 minutes to complete.

What happens when the study ends?
Once the survey has been completed the responses will be collected and analysed. You will not be required to do anything further.

What are the risks of taking part?
There are no risks involved; all the information provided will be treated with the strictest confidence. All information will be stored securely on encrypted and password protected computers in line with the requirements of Data Protection legislation. You are not required to put your name on the survey so and no personal information will be shared. Any information that is published will be presented in a manner that ensures participants cannot be identified.

What will happen to the results of the study?
The results from the analysis of the information will be shared via a report for Ulster GAA and through coaching workshops. The results may also be published in a scientific journal. The information will be used to inform coaching practice and improve the implementation of the Activate GAA.

Who is organising and funding the research?
This survey is being organised by SINI in partnership with the Ulster GAA. The principle researcher is Prof. Philip Glasgow, Head of Sports Medicine, SINI.

Who has reviewed this study?
This survey has been reviewed by other people who are knowledgeable in the subject area and by a review committee in accordance with University of Ulster procedures. If you require further details please feel free to contact the University Research Governance section.

Contact details
For further information please contact Philip Glasgow, Head of Sports Medicine, SINI, University of Ulster, or Roger Keenan, Coaching Development Manager, Ulster GAA,

Question Title

* 1. After reading the participant information, do you consent to participate in this study?