NYS College Student Poll Question Title * 1. I certify that I am an undergraduate student. Yes No Question Title * 2. What type of institution is your current college or university? CUNY Four-year college or university (e.g., bachelor's) CUNY Two-year college (e.g. community college) SUNY Four-year college or university (e.g., bachelor's) SUNY Two-year college (e.g. community college) Question Title * 3. How old are you? 17-22 23-28 29-34 35-39 40-45 Older than 45 Question Title * 4. What is your race? Hispanic or Latino Caucasian, White, or White American (non-Middle Eastern descent) Middle Eastern or Arab American Black, Afro-Caribbean, or African American American Indian / Alaska Native Asian or Asian American Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What is your gender identity? Male Female Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. The NY SUNY 2020 Rational Tuition Policy raised tuition at SUNY/CUNY $300 a year for five years (a total of $1500). In your opinion, does this policy make college more or less affordable? More affordable Less affordable Not sure Question Title * 7. In your opinion, who has the greatest control over setting tuition in New York State? Governor Andrew Cuomo NYS Assembly NYS Senate NYC Council SUNY/CUNY Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. In your opinion, how important is a college education for achieving financial security? Absolutely essential Very important Of average importance Not important at all Question Title * 9. Do you support more financial support from New York State to SUNY and/or CUNY? Yes, SUNY Yes, CUNY Yes, both SUNY and CUNY No, neither Not sure Question Title * 10. In recent years, New York State has provided less funding to public universities. Do you think this trend affects institutions' ability to provide a high-quality education? No Not sure Yes, it helps institutions’ ability to provide a high-quality education Yes, it threatens institutions’ ability to provide a high-quality education Question Title * 11. Do you support raising tuition at SUNY and/or CUNY? Yes, CUNY Yes, SUNY Yes, both CUNY & SUNY No, neither Not sure Question Title * 12. The NY DREAM Act would give undocumented New York State students who qualify access to the Tuition Assistance Program. Do you support this type of policy? Yes No Not sure Done