Thank you for your nomination!

Please use this form to submit your nominations for the SoCLA Mentor or Mentee of the Year Award. 

-The nominated person is a current, registered member of SoCLA and has participated in the SoCLA Mentoring Program.
-The nominee does not need to be your own mentor or mentee but they have demonstrated an outstanding and lasting contribution to you as an individual, the wider community, or the mentoring program as a whole.

The winners will be announced at the National Conference Gala Dinner in March 2022, or if required, at an alternative venue to be communicated at the time.  


Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 2. Please select the nomination category:

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* 3. Name of Nominee

Question Title

* 4. Nominee's email address (to notify them if they are a finalist or winner)

Question Title

* 5. Why do you believe your nominee deserves to win the award, over and above any other nominee?

Question Title

* 6. Please provide examples that illustrate how they exceeded your expectations, capturing and demonstrating the spirit of mentoring:

Question Title

* 7. Additional comments:

Question Title

* 8. We may wish to use your comments for marketing and publicity.
Please indicate whether you consent for your comments to be attributed to you: