
The Ontario Community Health Profiles Partnership or OCHPP hosts a freely accessible website that contains important health-indicator data for planning and research. 

The website has been in use for many years but we have not, to date, conducted a formal user evaluation. 

The OCHPP team, in conjunction with our partners, is seeking to get input from users of the site - both regular and occasional - to help us improve, better understand and respond to user needs.

We thank you for your time in completing this short survey. 

FYI - here is the link to the OCHPP website:

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* 1. A Little About You:
Please tell us to which organization you belong and your role. If you are willing, can you also provide an email address so we can follow-up if we have more questions.

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* 2. Are you a user of the OCHPP Website? We would like to hear from you if you use the site.

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* 3. If you answered NO to question #2, please answer only this question, #3, then stop the questionnaire.  Please check all that apply. If you answered YES to question #2, please skip to question #4.

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* 4. Please choose the answer below that best applies to you. I am a:

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* 5. Please rank from 1-4 the main sections of the site you use the most. #1 would be what you use the most, #2 would be next most used and so on.

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* 6. Which aspects of the site do you find particularly useful for your work? Check all that apply.

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* 7. Please rank from 1-5 the main reasons you use the site. #1 would be what you use the most, #2 would be next most used and so on.

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* 8. Website Features and Functionality:
Please let us know which features/functionality of the OCHPP website you/your team value and utilize. Check all that apply.

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* 9. Data visualization of OCHPP data:
We are working toward a goal of providing data visualization and/or ability to create your own limited visuals using OCHPP data. Please let us know what you would find beneficial including any suggestions or examples.

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* 10. You tell us: 
Please provide any other feedback not covered in this survey. We welcome all suggestions, comments, advice. If you provided your email address in question #1 we may contact you if you have suggestions here that we may wish to discuss with you. Thank you!