May we please hear from you and your neighbor? 

This survey is part of the Santa Rosa County Local Technology Planning Team’s effort to assess the condition of internet access and reliable internet service for all the residents of Santa Rosa County. Our primary goal is to identify “unserved” and underserved” areas of the county to determine a plan for getting better internet services to our residents. 

Please have a person in your household who is 18 years or older and makes household decisions about your internet services complete the survey. Please also invite your neighbors to take the survey as well.  

Terms of Use and Privacy Statement
By participating in this survey, you are agreeing that Santa Rosa County and representatives from your Local Technology Planning Team, established by the Department of Economic Opportunity, may seek to contact you to follow up on your service needs. Results will be shared with community planners in an effort to identify service solutions. Therefore, your address in the beginning demographic section is critical to identifying unserved and underserved areas. No identifying information will be published. This data is strictly for use by your Local Technology Planning Team and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s Office of Broadband. We invite all Santa Rosa County residents to complete this survey by July 15. For more information on this survey, please call Kyle Holley, community development liaison, at 850-983-1828. Thank you in advance for your time.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Is this a home-based business?

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* 3. If no, would you be able to work from home if you had better technology?

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* 4. Do you currently have internet access at home?

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* 5. How do you access the internet at home? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. How satisfied are you with your current internet access?

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* 7. Please identify the digital devices you use to access the internet from your home. (Check all that apply)

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* 8. Please indicate your desired Internet speed for your home.

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* 9. What do you pay monthly for your service?

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* 10. What download speed do you purchase from your internet service provider?

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* 11. What upload speed do you purchase from your internet service provider?

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* 12. Please indicate the age range of primary users of internet service at your home. (Check all that apply)

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* 13. If you do not currently have internet access in your home, what is the main reason?

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* 14. Would a member or members of this residence take online classes if sufficient high-speed internet service were available and affordable?

Thank you for your time in completing this survey.