Question Title

* 1. What is your primary role at the Gungahlin Eagles?

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* 2. What team(s) are you involved with? (tick all that apply)

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* 3. What do you enjoy most about the Gungahlin Eagles?

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* 4. Please rate each of the following.

  Very good Good Neutral Poor Very poor N/A
Planning and preparation of training
Preseason Training
Quality and style of Rugby
On field coaching effectiveness
Game plan (Technical and tactical knowledge of coaches)
Communication of Player Selection
Club events
The club's reputation
Training facilities
Training equipment
Nicholls toilets and changing rooms
Medical assistance, advice, warm-ups and strapping etc.
Leadership within the playing group
Quality of on field uniform (Jersey, shorts, socks)
Design of on field uniform
Season Launch
Ladies Day
Charity Round
Heritage Round
50th Celebrations at Rex Hotel
Red & Black Ball

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* 5. Why do you associate with the Gungahlin Eagles? (Can choose more than one)

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* 6. In 2017, did you feel that the club has made every effort to instill our values of Respect, Loyalty, Discipline, and Passion?

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* 7. How do you feel the club can improve on field?

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* 8. How do you feel the club can improve off the field?

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* 9. In what capacity do you intend on being involved with the Gungahlin Eagles in 2018? (Can choose more than one)