Compensation Governance Partners, WATSON Advisors Inc., and Family Enterprise Canada would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
We are collecting information on director compensation and board practices at privately-held companies to provide organizations with greater visibility into Canadian market and governance practices. 
This survey should take about 15-30 minutes to complete. If, at any point, you choose to leave the survey, your most recent pages of responses will be automatically saved. To return and view your responses, please click on the survey link on the invite sent to your email address.
Please note this survey is aimed at privately-held companies with some form of active board, and is intended for completion by individuals who are informed on Board compensation and other governance practices, e.g. directors, corporate executives, corporate secretaries, etc.
If you sit on multiple Boards, please submit responses for each Board separately. Upon completion of one submission, open this page in a private / incognito window in your web browser and make another submission for the next company. Note that private / incognito submissions must be completed in one sitting and can't be revisited. Please contact us if you wish to make updates to a private / incognito submission and we will update your responses. 
If you know of other privately held companies who may be interested in participating in this survey, please forward the survey link to them. 
Please note that confidentiality is our priority. This survey is being administered by Compensation Governance Partners using a survey system provided by a third party, Momentive Inc. Any information you submit as part of this survey will be collected by Momentive and processed by Compensation Governance Partners and WATSON Advisors Inc. Please click here for the Privacy Policy of Momentive. Please click here for the Privacy Policy of Compensation Governance Partners1. By continuing with this survey, you consent to the transfer of your information to Momentive and Compensation Governance Partners and the related privacy policies. Finally, all responses will be kept confidential by Compensation Governance Partners and WATSON Advisors Inc. and no individual participant data (including company name) will be disclosed.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Jessie Geng at
1 WATSON Advisors Inc. will follow the same privacy policy as Compensation Governance Partners.
8% of survey complete.