BrooklineCAN “Living with Covid-19” Survey

1.How do you get information about the Covid19 pandemic? (check all that apply)
2.Check all the activities in which you engaged at least once in the past month
3.In the past 3 months, have you (check all that apply)
4.When are you making regular use of a face mask or face covering? (Check all that apply)
5.How comfortable are you in wearing a face mask or face covering?
6.Do you have a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to use a face mask or face covering?
7.Since the start of the Covid-19 restrictions, are you spending more time at home on the following (check all that apply)?
8.If you were to test positive for Covid-19, do you have someone to take care of you?
9.How do you rate your health?
10.In the past 6 months, has there been a change in your health?
11.To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?
12.Since Covid-19 restrictions were announced last March, has there been a change in how often you feel lonely or isolated from those around you?
13.Since Covid-19 restrictions were announced in March, has there been a change in how often you have been bothered by emotional problems such as feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable?
14.Since Covid-19 restrictions were announced in March, has there been a change in how often you have been unable to stop or control worrying
15.Since Covid-19 restrictions were announced in March, has there been a change in how often you have had little interest or pleasure in doing things?
16.Are you in a high-risk group for Covid-19 because of one or more chronic health problems?
17.Do you have a computer or tablet at home with internet access?
18.Do you have a smartphone?
19.If yes, how satisfied are you with your skills in using the apps on your smartphone?
20.In the past 3 months, have you participated in a remote meeting using Zoom or another conference software either with a phone or video connection
21.If yes, how satisfied are you with your skills in using Zoom or other conference software?
22.Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19?
23.Have you tested positive for Covid-19
24.What is your age?
25.With what gender do you identify:
26.Where do you live?
27.Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
28.Do you live in some form of senior housing?
29.Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino?
30.What is your race? (Check one or more)
31.What is your employment status? (Check one)
32.Which category best describes your household income before taxes last year?
33.How worried are you about having enough money to pay your bills?
34.Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, has your overall financial situation become better, stayed the same, or become worse:
Current Progress,
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