Duties & Expectations

Please review the duties and expectations of each position carefully. 
Deadline to submit is April 1
The Vice President is elected for a two year term, beginning and ending at the Annual Conference & Expo. Following the completion of the term, the Vice President will ascend to the office of President. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization and of the Board of Directors. In the event of resignation, removal or death of the President, the Vice President shall exercise all the authority, privileges, and power of the President. The Vice President also serves as the chair of the Education Committee and oversees the Annual Conference Program and Local Arrangement Committees.

The Treasurer is elected for a two year term, beginning and ending at the Annual Conference & Expo. The Treasurer shall be responsible, with the Executive Director, to prepare a budget; oversee all financial matters of the Organization; report on the finances, and oversee the audit of the financial records.

The Secretary is elected for a two year term, beginning and ending at the Annual Conference & Expo. The Secretary shall oversee the keeping of records for all the proceedings of the Organization, Executive Committee and Board of Directors and shall act in such other capacities as may be required from time to time by the Board of Directors.
National Directors are elected for a three year term, beginning and ending at the Annual Conference & Expo, and may serve up to two consecutive terms. The functions of National Directors are described as follows:
  • Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors. Any Director whose business, professional or other activities or interests are detrimental to the interests of the Association or otherwise tend to discredit the Association through association of such person as a representative of the Association may, upon notice and opportunity to be heard, be removed as a Director upon approval of such action by at least two-thirds of the other members of the Board, acting at any meeting of the Board, provided that notice of the proposed action is contained in the notice of the meeting. Any Director failing to attend at least one Board meeting and Annual Conference & Expo a year unexcused may be removed upon a majority vote of the other members of the Board, provided that notice of the proposed action is contained in the notice of the meeting.
  • Serve as liaison to at least one national committee and responsible for the reporting of the activities of their committee(s) at regular board meetings.
  • Decide the policies of the association and how policies are implemented.
  • Directs the efforts of the regional directors in the region and coordinate the conduct of at least one regional meeting annually in the region.
  • Acts as representative for the members in their region to address issues and concerns to the Board of Directors.
  • Comes prepared to meetings by careful review of materials disseminated
  • Supports Board actions. Evaluates and follows up on actions taken at the Board meeting and on individual assignments. 
  • Should treat matters discussed at Board Meetings as confidential and should act with discretion.
  • Actively promotes the mission and goals of GardenComm.
  • Participates and supports all GardenComm activities.
  • Is a member in good standing.
Regional Directors are for a two-year term beginning and ending at the Annual Conference & Expo, and may serve up to two consecutive terms. The primary function of the Regional Director is to create opportunities for the members of his/her region to connect. Other functions of Regional Directors are described as follows:
  • Plans an annual regional event of one day or less in the region in cooperation with the National Director and the second Regional Director from that region.
  • Acts as representative for members in their region to address issues and concerns to the Board of Directors.
  • Comes prepared to meetings by careful review of materials disseminated
  • Supports Board of Director actions. Evaluates and follows up on actions taken at the Board of Directors meeting and on individual assignments. 
  • Treat matters discussed at Board of Directors meetings as confidential and acts with discretion.
  • Actively promotes the mission and goals of GardenComm.
  • Participates and supports all GardenComm activities.
  • Is not required to attend meetings of the National Board except that the most senior Regional Director (by length of term(s) served) shall substitute for the National Director from his or her region when the National Director is unable to attend.
  • Is encouraged (but not required) to attend the Annual Conference & Expo.
  • Is a member in good standing.

Question Title

* 1. I agree to the duties and responsibilities outlined above.