Feedback on the 2021-2022 Quality Account

All public health services and registered community health services submit an annual quality account to Safer Care Victoria. The quality accounts provide the Victorian community with an open and transparent account of each service’s performance and improvement work.

As part of the Alpine Health commitment to quality, we invite you as a consumer of Alpine Health services to complete the following anonymous and confidential survey to improve our quality account reporting.

To view the most recent Alpine Health Quality Account please visit the Alpine Health website at

Please answer the questions below based on the current 2021-2022 Quality Account.

Survey closes:  Sunday 2nd July 2023

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* 1. What is your overall opinion of the Quality Account?

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* 2. Do you like the format or appearance of the Quality Account?

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* 3. Was the content in the Quality Account easy to understand?

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* 4. What do you like most about the Quality Account?

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* 5. What do you like least about the Quality Account?

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* 6. How could the Quality Account be improved?