The Diana Hacker TYCA Outstanding Programs in English Awards honor the achievements of those two-year college English teachers who, together with administrators, community leaders, and/or colleagues in the English Department or other disciplines or programs, create exemplary programs and initiatives to enhance language learning of students and to enable students of diverse interests and backgrounds to achieve their college, career, and personal goals.

Colleges may enter a program in more than one category, if appropriate, but each entry must be submitted separately, and no program will receive an award in more than one category.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Question Title

* 1. Submission Category (select one):

Question Title

* 2. Title of Program:

Question Title

* 3. College Name: 

Question Title

* 4. College Address:

Question Title

* 5. City:

Question Title

* 6. State:

Question Title

* 7. Zip:

Question Title

* 8. Chief Instructional Officer:

Question Title

* 9. Chief Instructional Officer Job Title:

Question Title

* 10. Chief Instructional Officer Email:

Question Title

* 11. Program Contact Person:

Question Title

* 12. Program Contact Person Email:

Question Title

* 13. Program Contact Person Phone Number:

Question Title

* 14. Program Description -- Please provide a brief description of your program in 60 words or less.

Question Title

* 15. Program Statement – Please provide a detailed explanation of the program’s goals and impact in 1,000 words or less. Be sure to include a description of the program, the purpose, the focus, the target population, the outcomes, and the evaluation process. Remember to consider the five criteria by which the program will be judged (listed on the print version of this form) as you develop your statement.