CUBO Mentor Application Form

Be a CUBO Mentor

We’d like to know a little about you, your career and why being a CUBO mentor is appealing to you. It’s a really great opportunity for us to understand, and every element of your information will help us with the selection of the right mentee for you.
The information we collect will be treated confidentially and only used by CUBO as part of the matching process.
Your Details
3.Job Title(Required.)
4.Your email address(Required.)
5.Contact Number(Required.)
6.LinkedIn profile
7.Please provide a brief overview of your career experience
8.Can you describe how you will be able to develop mentees through the mentoring programme? This might be about how you've developed your career, helping to work through a specific work issue, furthering your leadership and management skills.  Feel free to provide as much information as you’d like to help us match you with the right mentee.
9.What would you describe as your strengths?
10.Is there anything else you’d like us to know or consider when matching you with your mentee?