The Startup & Grow Ormond Beach FastTrac program is application based. Space is limited. Priority is given to Ormond Beach residents. Please fill out the application below. Staff will contact you to let you know if you have been selected or not for the program.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Where are you in your business journey? 

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* 3. How many years of experience do you have in the field in which you plan to start your business? 

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* 4. Are you currently selling products or services?

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* 5. Is your business idea focused on providing

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* 6. Will the business be:

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* 7. What is your business idea? Describe the type and range of products and/or services you plan to offer?

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* 8. Describe any steps you have taken towards launch? If you have launched, describe your next steps to business growth?

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* 9. Who is your target market? How did you identify the customers that might purchase your product or service? What steps have you taken to prove the market need for your product or service? 

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* 10. How do you think this course will help you strengthen your business idea and launch your start-up? Please provide concrete examples. 

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* 11. This course is in person. All material is only available on-line. To fully participate in this program, you must have access to the internet for the full duration of this course for 10 sessions. Do you have internet access?

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* 12. Do you have access to a computer to complete all course assignments?

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* 13. All sessions are held on Saturdays from 9am until 12pm and are in person. Are you available to attend all session (8, 3-hour sessions) and complete all necessary prep work (approximately 5 to 10 hours per week)?

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* 14. How did you hear about this program? (i.e. online, friend, SCORE, 1MC, etc)

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* 15. If selected to participate, I agree to complete a photo authorization and release form granting the city permission to take pictures and videos during the program that may include me and use them for future promotions of the program.