Behavioral Health Survey Evaluation

1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name (Optional)
3.Email Address(Required.)
4.Name of School Child Attends(Required.)
5.What grade is your child currently in?(Required.)
6.What is your relationship to your child (Please circle response)?(Required.)
7.Number of children
8.Age of children (please select all that apply)
10.Where did you receive this Toolkit?(Required.)
11.What county do you live in?(Required.)
12.The zip code I live in is:
13.I found this Toolkit to be helpful as a parent/caregiver.(Required.)
14.This Toolkit helped me be more comfortable in speaking to my kids about behavioral/mental health.(Required.)
15.This Toolkit helped increase my knowledge about behavioral/mental health.(Required.)
16.This Toolkit helped explain when I may need to be concerned about my child.(Required.)
17.This Toolkit provides resources available to support my child's behavioral/mental health.(Required.)
18.How likely are you to recommend this Toolkit to others?(Required.)
19.Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding the presentation.
Current Progress,
0 of 19 answered