Introduction and Consent

Consent to participate in a study entitled:  “Defining and Describing the Emerging Specialty of Environmental Chaplaincy”

You are invited to take part in a research study conducted by:
Thomas Quinn
Direct mobile phone: 617-913-5730

I am a student in the Upaya Chaplaincy Program, 1404 Cerro Gordo Road, Santa Fe, NM, 87501. I am conducting this study as part of my final project.

This study uses an online survey, with an optional interview component. The survey will collect information about the emerging specialty of environmental chaplaincy/ministry.

The term “eco-chaplain” was coined over a decade ago. Despite the growing number of people who work, practice, and serve at the spiritual interface of humans and the environment, there is no recognized definition or consensus terminology for this field. In simplest terms, the purpose of this study is intended to answer the question, “What do environmental chaplains do?”
This study (survey) is for individuals who provide spiritual, pastoral, or related services to individuals and/or groups (including congregations or sanghas) that address spiritual needs related to climate and environmental issues. These individuals may or may not have formal training or credentials as chaplains or clergy. Survey participants are asked to complete an online survey of 24 questions. Some have check-box responses and some have a short-answer format (type the response into a text box). It is estimated that the survey will take 15-25 minutes to complete.

At the end of the survey, respondents are asked if they are willing to participate in an interview by Zoom (with or without the video turned on). The interview is intended to elicit more detail than is possible in a survey. For those who chose to participate in the interview, a separate consent to record the interview will be required.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked questions about your spiritual or faith tradition, and the types of spiritual/environmental care, service, or activities you provide.

Participation is voluntary.  You may decline to answer any question and you have the right to withdraw from participation at any time.

Please contact me, or Dr. David Auble, at the phone number and address listed below to discuss any questions and/or withdraw from the study.
Risks to participants are considered minimal. There are no costs associated with participating. There are no direct benefits from participating.

Survey results are anonymous—I (Thomas Quinn) will not know who has completed the survey. Interviews will be recorded and transcribed. I will be the only person with access to the recording and transcript, which will be kept in a password-protected file. The names of participants will not be filed with the recording/transcript. A unique number will be assigned to the recording/transcript that corresponds to an individual. I may share an anonymized recording with my academic advisor if necessary for the completion of the project. The recording will be destroyed within 6 months. Anonymized transcripts may be kept for up to two years, then destroyed.

The results of this study may be presented at professional conferences and/or may be published in an academic journal. You may request a copy of any published work that results from this study by contacting me at the address below.

If you have questions about this research study, please contact me at 617-913-5730,  or  If you have concerns about your rights as a research participant, contact Dr. David Auble, Upaya Academic Advisor, 

Question Title

I have read the information in this consent form including risks and possible benefits. I have been given the chance to ask questions. If I had any questions, I contacted the persons listed on this form, Thomas Quinn or David Auble. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction.