1. Using MyWeedWatcher

MyWeedWatcher: enables users to conduct surveys on weeds of interest, report on the presence of declared weeds and identify weeds.
The survey/reporting feature: enables users to map weeds, add images and record survey data such as weed density, weed counts, confidence of identification and notes on control activities done.
The identification guide: allows users to quickly search for a weed according to plant characteristics such as flower colour, leaf shape and plant type.
Find MyWeedWatcher through the following link: https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/n/5412

Confidentiality: personal details gathered by this form will remain confidential. No individual will be identified by name or by characteristics that would enable them to be identified in any publication of the results from this form.

Survey size: This survey takes about 2-10 minutes to complete. It has 2 pages and 13 questions

Question Title

* 1. Optional: please insert your name and preferred contact details (particularly if I need better clarity on a response).

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* 2. Please insert your postcode

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* 3. Who/what do you represent (multiple choice)?

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* 4. Where did you hear about this survey?

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* 5. Have you downloaded MyWeedWatcher?

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* 6. If you have not downloaded MyWeedWatcher can you let us know why (please select one or more responses)?:

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* 7. Have you used MyWeedWatcher?

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* 8. Have you been able to find the online map for MyWeedWatcher?

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* 9. In what ways have you used MyWeedWatcher (please select one or more responses)?

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* 10. If you downloaded MyWeedWatcher but did not use it please let us know why (please select one or more responses)?:

Question Title

* 11. MyWeedWatcher was designed for community groups and communities to record details of weeds and to report declared weeds to DAFWA. Communities can download maps/reports online. If you are part of a community group does your group intend to use MyWeedWatcher?

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* 12. Would your community group like to receive training on how to use MyWeedWatcher?

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* 13. Please list below how the MyWeedWatcher mobile (smartphone and tablet) application needs to be improved (please select one or more responses)?

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* 14. Please list below how to improve the MyWeedWatcher web portal (please select one or more responses)?

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* 15. Would you like to add anything else we may not have covered above?