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What Are Your Waste, Recycling, and Compost Preferences?

Thank you for wanting to share your thoughts on how we manage our waste. Your input here will directly impact the future of waste management in Wetaskiwin. This survey covers three specific service areas: garbage, recycling, and compost. An introduction before each section will provide important background information, so please take the time to read each introduction before answering the questions. Thanks!

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How we manage our waste directly impacts the well-being of our community. Currently, the Wetaskiwin Sanitary Landfill is the City’s main source of waste management. Landfills are built so that anything contained within them does not break down or decompose. They are also very expensive to close once they are full—costing millions of dollars due to many environmental requirements.

We are currently focused on expanding our diversion initiatives to extend the life of the landfill, but we understand that some items are not able to be recycled or composted.

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* 1. How important is it to you that the amount of divertible waste being sent to the Wetaskiwin landfill is reduced?

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* 2. Would you support higher fees for dumping items at the landfill such as construction debris, tires, or other materials that can be recycled?

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* 3. Would your household support bi-weekly (every two weeks) garbage collection if it meant a reduction in cost?

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While there are still changes taking place within the recycling industry, many residents continue to express a desire for curbside recycling in Wetaskiwin. The City of Wetaskiwin is searching for feasible curbside recycling options and would like to know more about your recycling preferences.

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* 4. Would your household support a curbside recycling option if it did not increase the overall cost of your bill as it stands today?

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* 5. If curbside recycling was available, would you support reducing the hours of service at the existing Recycling Centre (i.e. Open Wednesday to Sunday from Noon until 8 pm)?

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* 6. Would your household still use the Recycling Centre if it was located beside the landfill?

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Did you know? Approximately 30 percent of the materials brought to our landfill are compostable. Diverting compostable materials would extend the life of our landfill and provide a sustainable and natural alternative to fertilizers, etc.

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* 7. Would your household support a curbside organics (compost) pick-up program if it did not increase the overall costs of your bill as it stands today?

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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! Please complete the form below for your chance to win $100 worth of City swag! One entry per person. Draw will take place September 10, 2019.

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* 8. Enter to Win

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