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* 1. Do you play/support/coach/watch the Women’s Tour, Men’s Tour, or Both (so we can categorize the remainder of your responses)

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* 2. MCT will set a list of Rules for each season to follow for all MCT events and which is provided to host committees if they choose to use the same rules (however they can opt to implement their own rules).
Regarding Qualifying teams in Playoffs - Which is your preference for the Higher-qualifying team (A over B & C, B over C):

Question Title

* 3. We had a low number of entries in all MCT spiels this season.  Were there curling-related factors or conflicts that we should know about which prevented you from playing in more MCT events this year?  (Aside from the closing of the Rossmere Club)

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* 4. This year we asked for the season team fee of $40, instead of it being each club's responsibility to pay every spiel which used to be removed from prize purse.  We plan on doing the same thing next year, for team's wishing to compete & claim points on the Manitoba Curling Tour, we will ask for this $40 fee with entry of your first MCT event of the season.   Did you have any issues with this change? 

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* 5. The points system used was inline with WCT points with the exception of non-qualifying teams received 1 point per win.  Did you have any issues with this years point’s calculations?

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* 6. Do you agree with counting the top 5 events?  Other thoughts?

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* 7. Updates regarding schedule, news, and points are posted to our website: We also send out mail blasts with key messages *you can subscribe on the website*.  Is there anything else you would like to see or see changed on the site?

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* 8. We require 1 week to prepare & send the draw for MCT and because of this we did not count the last event – Thistle Integrity Stakes.  Next year, given the same schedule, would you prefer to wait until Tuesday before MCT classic and include this event, or have the draw 1 week in advanced without these points included. (For women's tour, IF there was a spiel 1-week before what is your preference?)

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* 9. Concluding the MCT season with the Championship includes 2 or 3 berths, depending on previous season.  The turn out for both women’s and men’s is much lower than anticipated.  What factors prevented you from entering / or might deter you from entering this competition in the future?

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* 10. We appreciate your feedback and as a volunteer committee try to do our best to keep the Man Curl Tour afloat.  Please let us know if you have any other questions, comments, or concerns.  If you would like our direct feedback, you may also leave your e-mail address.

If you would like to volunteer to update line scores in MCT events next year, please e-mail your contact info to with your city area preference or rural preference (Don’t worry, it’s very easy and we would set you up!)