Question Title

* 1. Please provide your current and past classrooms at the MCPK.

Question Title

* 2. Please check all that apply.  During my time at the MCPK...

  Agree Disagree N/A
The teachers provided a positive educational experience for my child.
The teachers and staff provided a positive social emotional experience for my child.
The scheduling options met my family's needs.
The tuition options including the sliding scale met my family's needs.
The administration/faculty provided assistance in resolving any issues during our time at the MCPK.

Question Title

* 3. How is remote learning working for your child?

Question Title

* 4. Is your teaching team prepared each day with well thought out remote learning lessons and activities?

Question Title

* 5. In which ways did your teaching team provide different opportunities for engagement with your child and were these engagements meaningful?

  Worked well to engage my child Did not work well to engage to my child My class did not participate in this type of activity
Facebook Live instruction
Zoom whole group instruction
Zoom small groups
Live/recorded read alouds
Academic enrichment (letter writing, math practice, science experiments)
Yoga/Meditation/Body Movement activities
Socialization activities
Problem solving skill development

Question Title

* 6. If we must continue virtual learning in the fall, which types of activities would you like to see more or less of?

  I would like to see more I would like to see less
Live instruction (circle time, show and tell, read alouds, interactive games, projects)
Printables and/or school provided resources (journals, worksheets, dry erase)
Online learning tools
Other.  Please add details below.

Question Title

* 7. Did you feel connected to the school as a parent during remote learning?

Question Title

* 8. Was the level of communication from teachers sufficient during remote learning?

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* 9. Was the level of communication from the administration sufficient during remote learning?

Question Title

* 10. What questions/concerns do you have about school opening in the fall?