Water Wise Landscape Recognition Program Nomination

Thank you for taking this step!
Nominating a yard is a great way to show your appreciation for the water conservation landscaping choices being made by friends and neighbours in your community.  Displaying a Water Wise sign helps inform others about the things we can do to be responsible with water and build biodiversity in our urban environment. 

There are a few sections to the nomination form, as well as an opportunity to add a picture. 

It should take about 3 minutes to complete. 
Section 1: Contact  Information

Question Title

* 1. Please share your contact information

Section 2: Information about Property Being Nominated
Please note that you have the opportunity to nominate multiple yards, if desired. 

Question Title

* 2. Please share address and contact information for property being nominated.

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following Water Wise landscaping methods are being utilized in their front yard? Please check all that apply:

Question Title

* 4. We love to see pictures of gardens, please upload a picture if you can!

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Thank you for nominating a friend, neighbour, business or family member! 
If you would like to nominate more properties, please add their information on the next page. 
If you are only nominating one property at this time, please skip the questions on the next page and click done. Thank you!